Program Objective: To help participants learn how to respond to conflict in an effective way and curb destructive behaviors to improve workplace relationships and results.
Program Overview:
Organizations are driven by people. People often have differing perspectives on strategy, priorities, and each other. Many great ideas need discussion to flush out the best course of action. Some personalities are more dominant than others. Put different perspectives and different personalities together and that may lead to destructive conflict impeding organizational progress instead of productive conflict leading to improved strategy, innovation, renovation, execution and results.
Everything DiSC® Productive Conflict helps learners improve self-awareness around conflict behaviors. Rather than focus on a step-by-step process for conflict resolution, this program provides learners with techniques to curb destructive behaviors and effectively respond to conflict situations.
In this workshop, participants will learn how to:
Explore the destructive and productive conflict behaviors of each DiSC® style
Understand how to manage your response to conflict situations
Discover communication strategies when engaging in productive conflict with colleagues
With highly personalized content, this program provides valuable information specific to a learner’s responses to their DiSC® assessment and to their corresponding DiSC® style. The program features DiSC® in conflict, provides reasons behind destructive responses, and offers strategies to reframe productive responses to conflict situations.