Program Objective: To help participants improve confidence in making more effective business presentations by learning skills needed to successfully develop, rehearse, and deliver an engaging public speaking experience.
Upon conclusion of this program participants should be able to better understand:
The difference between presenting and facilitating
Our 4-step process for the successful development and delivery of a strong presentation that motivates the audience to take positive action
How to organize content, emphasize key supporting points, and make smooth transitions between topics supporting a core message
Our “Skipping Stone” approach to help keep the audience continuously engaged
Preparation and rehearsal tips to maximize confidence and stay within the time allotted
Getting into the right mindset and calming the nerves before you speak (If you are not nervous, something is wrong)
Starting, delivering, and closing strong
How to brainstorm ideas that draw out insights and translate into action
Energizers to keep group energy up (long meeting focus)
Engaging customer proposal sample and business review tips
Optional tutorial at end of day 1: Animations, slide sorter, PowerPoint basics, and other helpful tips
Program Overview: Regardless of personal experience level, this 1 1/2 day program is perfect for anyone who gets up to speak at an internal, customer, or distributor meeting. This workshop teaches important tools, tips, and concepts to help participants go from initial presentation thoughts through to a strong finish.
This program is applicable to internal meetings, external meetings, customer proposals, and customer business reviews.
NOTE: This version is offered as an Open Registration Program for individuals and small groups or client specific sessions.
With our "continuous improvement" mindset, we coach participants to always try to make their next presentation stronger than their last. While it is very rare for someone to go from “novice” to “expert” in one presentation, tremendous ground can be gained for your next presentation by applying tips learned in this program.
This workshop was developed, and is facilitated, by a 3-time commercially published author who is an acclaimed conference keynote speaker and a certified “Master” facilitator. He has consistently earned strong speaking reviews and ratings for over 20 years and has coached many people on the basics of what it takes to create a more fun, impactful, and engaging presentation. Put his experience to work for you!
Upon completion of the classroom learning at the end of Day 1, participants are given a homework assignment to apply what they learned. With the evening to prepare, each participant will deliver a 8-10 minute presentation the following morning. Given this, each session is limited to a maximum of 15 participants to enable each participant to:
receive constructive coaching from our facilitator and other participants
see different speaking styles and approaches across the group so they can learn from each another
With sufficient advance notice, upon conclusion of this workshop, we can work 1:1 to help coach participants on the preparation and delivery of their next important presentation.