How Does DiSC® Work?
DiSC® is not a test. You cannot pass or fail. There are no right or wrong answers. There is no one style that is better than another. The DiSC® assessment is also easy to take. Participants rate themselves on the scale below with approximately 26 short questions asked. It takes approximately 10-15 minutes to complete.
Based on answering the assessment questions as honestly as one can, a dot will be placed based on the DiSC® circle showing where their primary behavioral style is with shading reflecting their impact in other styles:
The farther from the center of the circle you are to the edge of the circle, the stronger your inclination is to this style.
The DiSC® assessment then delves into what your work priorities are, what motivates you, as well as what your stressors are. After understanding these things about yourself, the report will then help you understand what are the priorities, motivators, and stressors of the other DiSC® styles.
Upon understanding priorities, motivators, and stressors your report then provides you coaching on the top 3 things you can do to better connect, problem solve, and de-escalate tensions that may arise from time-to-time with people across each of the DiSC® styles. As well, your report has a summarized “Top 3” things you can do with all people regardless of style…synergy simplified!
Once you understand your personal style, you are in a stronger position to communicate more effectively and build stronger relationships to help improve personal and organizational results…performance accelerated!
For people who manage teams, completing a personal assessment is a great first step. Please check out our DiSC® Analysis Services and Workshops to see how you can leverage DiSC® with our support to help improve leadership development, team dynamics, and ultimately bottom line results.